Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Jazz at Lincoln Center  Tattooed Bride  They Came to Swing 
 2. Coil  Tattooed Man  The Ape Of Naples  
 3. Divide & Kreate  Tattooed   
 4. Coil  Tattooed Man  The Ape of Naples  
 5. Divide & Kreate  Tattooed   
 6. Coil  Tattooed Man  The Ape of Naples  
 7. Chotto Ghetto  Tattooed Holidays  Walk Is Godlike  
 8. Victor Herbert  Selection from The tattooed man  Edison Amberol: 440 
 9. Robin Scott  11-Tattooed Lady  Woman From The Warmgrass 
 10. D'sound  Tattooed On My Mind  Beauty Is A Blessing   
 11. D'Sound  Tattooed On My Mind  Smooth Escapes: The Very Best Of D'Sound 
 12. Bobby Short  Lydia, the Tattooed Lady  American Songbook Series: Harold Arlen 
 13. Atmosphere  The Woman With the Tattooed Hands  Lucy Ford   
 14. Atmosphere  The Woman With Tattooed Hands  http://salacioussound.com   
 15. Baby Gets Tattooed  Interview: Baby Gets Tattooed   
 16. Victor Herbert  Oriental march: from The tattooed man  Edison Standard Record: 10280 
 17. Colleen AF Venable and Annie Sanders  Fluff Radio Review #60: Tattooed Ballooners   
 18. Colleen AF Venable and Annie Sanders  Fluff Radio Review #60: Tattooed Ballooners   
 19. Dave Twaddell  Here Comes the Bride   
 20. Apraxia  My Bride  Ideology 
 21. Virgin of the Birds  Let Me Be Your Bride  Banquet Years 
 22. Dave Twaddell  Here Comes the Bride   
 23. Eggtooth  For The Bride  Sundowner 
 24. Douglas Messerli  The Bride  Recording at the Ear Inn, New York, NY. March 17, 1979. 
 25. J.R Blackwell  Bride  Voices of Tomorrow 
 26. J.R Blackwell  Bride  Voices of Tomorrow 
 27. J.R Blackwell  Bride  Voices of Tomorrow 
 28. J.R Blackwell  Bride  Voices of Tomorrow 
 29. Ray C. Stedman  Here Comes the Bride  The Man of Faith 
 30. Anton Schwartz  Here Comes the Bride  Wedding Demo 
   1 2 3 4 5    »
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